Elis Offerni
Hi! I'm

Elis Offerni

I love cats and coding!💕

Here you'll find some information about me and my resume for viewing and downloading. I'm also on LinkedIn and GitHub.


I'm a Brazilian Software Engineer living in Vancouver, Canada. I've been developing software for a living for 9 years.

I realized programming was going to be my job when I wrote my first hello world in a class at my "Informatics Technician" course. Since then, I learned a lot about what being a Software Engineer is, and I'm on a mission to continue learning every day.

I have experience working in agile environments, working closely with product and design to develop features that combine the right technical implementations (considering time, cost and benefit) with the best user experience. My primary stack and focus include Javascript (React and Angular), NodeJS, HTML, CSS (SASS and LESS), testing with Jest, Testing Library and Enzyme. A lot of my experience also involves integrating with and developing REST APIs, having worked in the back-end with languages such as Python, Go, Scala and PHP.